Following in the footsteps of Pop Art Artists, I take my inspiration from the simplistic style of comics.
I see it as an ideal medium to illustrate our social fantasies. A major theme of my work is the Judeo-Christian bipolar values of good and evil. I investigate symbols and stereotypes. Like a charade, a play on images, I put on display paintings whose association brings to light the arch messages that our society forwards to us.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Young fans

Avis aux amateurs je vais être présent sur mon installation Le grand méchant loup demain mercredi le 10 mars au palais des congrès de Montréal, métro place d'armes. De 12 h 30 à 14 h, grimaces et visite guidée au programme....
Ci-joint : séance de photos avec mes fans, Max est un grand garçon, il a du se coucher pour prendre la photo, déjà très créatif...
Lili est certainement la plus jeune de mes fans, elle ressemble un peu au chaperon rouge. Merci Tony pour les photos.

Note that I will be present on my Installation : The Big Bad Wolf, tomorrow, wednesday the 10th of March at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal, Metro Places d'Armes, from 12.30 to 2 pm, faces and guided tour included ...
Here attached: photo shoot with one of my youngest fans, she looks a bit like little riding hood
Thanks Tony for the pictures.


  1. really cool work! hope you don't mind, your wicked flyer ended up on my blog http://fabulite.wordpress.com/2010/03/16/breaky/
    i put your link too though...looking forward to your upcoming show!
