Following in the footsteps of Pop Art Artists, I take my inspiration from the simplistic style of comics.
I see it as an ideal medium to illustrate our social fantasies. A major theme of my work is the Judeo-Christian bipolar values of good and evil. I investigate symbols and stereotypes. Like a charade, a play on images, I put on display paintings whose association brings to light the arch messages that our society forwards to us.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Méline ma précieuse assistante sur le projet Grand Méchant loup / Méline my precious help on the big Bad Wolf project

Sans Méline, je n'aurais pas pu présenter un projet de cette ampleur dans les délais requis !

Sa dextérité graphique est venue maintes fois à ma rescousse. Merci Méline.

Je dois aussi remercier Colin (ici sur quelques photos) qui a aidé au transport et au montage de l'installation. Il s'est aussi dévoué pour être l'ambassadeur de l'oeuvre lors de la nuit blanche.

Without Méline, I've could'nt present a project of this scale in that time frame !
Her graphic skills came very often handy. Thanks Méline !
I also have to thank Colin (present here on the pictures) whom helped on moving and assemble the work. He also was an ambassador during the Nuit Blanche the Montreal 2010.

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