Following in the footsteps of Pop Art Artists, I take my inspiration from the simplistic style of comics.
I see it as an ideal medium to illustrate our social fantasies. A major theme of my work is the Judeo-Christian bipolar values of good and evil. I investigate symbols and stereotypes. Like a charade, a play on images, I put on display paintings whose association brings to light the arch messages that our society forwards to us.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

La vache ! Holy Cow!

Touches finales sur “la Vache en cavale” - Final touches on “Runaway Cow”

Je suis finaliste pour les prix Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series en collaboration avec Artsy ! Jai une chance daller exposer à la foire dart Scope Miami Beach 2018 et à New York avec Artsy en 2019 ! Votez pour moi ici, 1 vote par jour et par personne du 22 août au 26 octobre. Tapez PAUL dans l'outil de recherche pour arriver directement sur mon oeuvre. Partagez linfo avec tous vos amis, “la Vache en cavale“ pourrait se retrouver à Miami ! Merciiii !!!!

I'm a finalist for the Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series Awards in collaboration with Artsy! I have a chance to exhibit at the 2018 Scope Miami Beach Art Fair and New York City with Artsy in 2019! Vote for me here, 1 vote per day and per person from August 22nd to October 26th. Enter PAUL in the search field to get directly to my work. Share the info with all your friends; the “Runaway Cow” could end up in Miami! Thank you!!!!

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