Following in the footsteps of Pop Art Artists, I take my inspiration from the simplistic style of comics.
I see it as an ideal medium to illustrate our social fantasies. A major theme of my work is the Judeo-Christian bipolar values of good and evil. I investigate symbols and stereotypes. Like a charade, a play on images, I put on display paintings whose association brings to light the arch messages that our society forwards to us.

Monday, February 22, 2016

And here is the Cowgirl story trilogy... Finished!

Cowgirl Story # 1 - 2015
Cowgirl Story # 2 - 2016

Im working on the narrative possibilities of the comic strip applied to visual art. 

Cowgirl Story # 3 - 2016
Heres an extract of the “Blue line exhibition” text at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery, guest curated by Michael Campbell, Janice Rahn, and Jarrett Duncan. The exhibition was on Comic art with artists like Crumb.This text illustrates what is to my eyes the power of the comics and why it can bring something fresh and vital to Contemporary Art:
“... As a medium, comics afford the possibility of visually representing and voicing elements of the culturally callous and grotesque, the perverse and the raucous, and the sacred or taboo elements of everyday life. Often veiled in political correctness, comic narratives bring unspoken voices to the forefront, in philosophical, political, and social commentary. Using the playfulness of comedy and whimsical imagery, comics have a way of underscoring social uneasiness, anxiety, and the hypocrisies embodied in the human condition...”

Cowgirl Story # 3

Last take on the Cowgirl story ...

Cowgirl Story # 3 - 2016 - Vinyl Paint on wood Board - 48 X 48 inches

Cowgirl Story # 2

Another take on the same story ...
Cowgirl Story # 2, 2016, Vinyl paint on wood board. 48 X 48 inches

Friday, February 5, 2016

Ballade à NYC - NYC stroll

Je ne pouvais manquer la rétrospective New Yorkaise d'un de mes artistes préférés : Frank Stella.
Pour son ouverture le nouveau Whitney Museum lui consacre un étage entier, cela ne m'aurais pas dérangé qu'ils utilisent les trois étages ! Le panorama de l'oeuvre de Stella est relativement complet. Je constate que son talent de sculpteur, quand tout apport de peinture est absent est discutable. Je n'ai pas été très impressionné par la plupart de ses dernières sculptures mis à part peut-être “Black Star” qui était exposée sur la terrasse, faisant nuit je n'ai pu la prendre en photo. Pour le reste de l'expo: génial ! Quelques images ci-dessous.

I couldn't miss the New work retrospective of one of my favorite artists : Frank Stella. For it's opening the New Whitney Museum dedicates an entire floor to the artist, I've wouldn't have minded that they used the three floors to the show ! The overview of Stella's body of work is quite good. I feel that his talent as a sculptor when no painting is involved is questionnable. I wasn't really impressed by the majority of his latest sculptures, except perhaps “Black Star” that was shown on the terrasse and sadly couldn't take a picture being in the dark. For the rest of the show : Fantastic !
A few images below